My Gypsy Vardo adventures in 32 square feet. A Spiritual Journey of learning God and meeting my Self around the corners of life.

Archive for November, 2012





How do I bring my soul to my kind, if my kind does not receive me? I have puzzled and searched around me for those who might be awake to hear the Universal call of Oneness in SPIRIT and in TRUTH – the great and final plea of Jesus in “Now” so aware!  Will there just be “words” of seduction and alluring? The ‘WORD’ comes alive in this my remembering of Who IAM here in this flesh of human experience as a piece of the “Whole” – yet my desire to be understood is a need that drives my belief in all the knowledge I have gathered to realize my ‘Self’ in Awareness.  It lies so heavy in my experience of alone-ness, and yes, there is alone-ness experienced when IAM is isolated from the expressions and the feelings that accompany connection!  When words come to me without substantiation they are like brass, noisy, painful, grievous and empty!

“Hell is the place where nothing connects.” T.S, Elliot

Love Speaks Its Own Identity   I Corinthians 13: The Bible

The acts of Love are so much more then the sexual gratifications of the body!  I observe that the acts of sex have been so abused and misunderstood and therefore have become what I call EMPTY sex (Sex without GOD )a poor replacement for LOVE, thus putting the cart before the horse. It’s all backwards!  What is called right is wrong and what is called wrong is right!! ”Oneness” is so very much deeper, so incredibly more powerful and life transforming than any other human experience in this physical realm…..but it does use that physical realm for expression – touch, sound, smell, vision etc.  Without the physical realm I could not manifest my Spiritual Self!

I yearn for that spiritual depth in you!  Doesn’t Spiritual Awareness need a platform of expression?  Is that not why we long to be Loved experientially?  Why else would God Create God ‘Again’….and ‘Again’….? Why would God’s Spirit ‘hover’ over the ‘lips’, the birthplace of ‘words’  formed into the Universe? The place of expressing One-Self in intimacy without ‘words’ are The Holy Kisses…….. Lips that are ‘sculpted’ for Gods intent to draw one another into that intimacy of knowing.  Why even look for the ‘path’ that leads to the expressions of Gods ‘Cave of Treasures’ if it is not well prepared and adorned with receptivity? Would you keep your ‘lips’ shut and rob the ‘Cave of Treasures’?  Would that not be Spiritual rape? Would I steal and rob from You, My Beloved? Not unless I am sound asleep in the ego, dreaming my adulteress dreams on dirty sheets, in beds of fear!  How quick are we to dismiss the rightful place of our Beloved by our insistence on separation?

The ego, so heavily fueled by fear, is bent on making one person feel more “special” than another, thus effectively excluding any attempt at Oneness, resulting in emotional and Spiritual suicide!  The Truth remains, that,  “Love is NOT a respecter of persons, color, gender, age, culture, wealth or poverty!!”  The ego’s answer deceptively reciting, “Love is a respecter of persons!” Is this not choosing once again from the platform of ego? Our Knowledge alone will not suffice nor become our Reality!  We must act on our ‘words’ in order to substantiate them…….Jesus  and the Masters all agree that the word is empty without action and action without words can act deceitful……therefore, we again stand at the precipice… we JUMP?  Are we ‘Fearless’?  Do we drop the ‘Veil’ and ‘mirror’ back the ‘little self’, so steeped in ego’s defense we  or do we plunder the hearts of others and our own?  Do we comfort our little “self’’ with words of priority and ‘vows’ of emotional celibacy?  Do we shut our “Spirit Self” away when it is not convenient? Are you embarrassed of my nakedness? Is there still no room in the  Inn of ‘Oneness Awareness’?  Is it all an ego trip steeped in illusions of conquering the competition?  I ask my “Self” these things, for I too become the victim of little ‘self’ in the creating of my human experience.  I too can be a digger of righteousness and defensiveness when ego is threatened to death with the experience of the ‘True Self’!  So, Who will save me from this fearful fantasy?  Who has the ‘key’ that unlocks MY True Self in Reality?  Who turns to fantasy, unless he despairs of finding satisfaction in Reality?  Only the sleepers! We will never find satisfaction in fantasy, nor Reality in fantasy! (The symbols of fantasy, and there are many,  are of the ego, but do not look for meaning in them!) Yet, when you shine your ‘light’ and lift ‘the veil’, exposing my darkness……Reality dawns for me and you, and the fantasies on the horizons of our ‘fearful dreams’ are gone!  We are the members of One Body and if any member suffers the Whole body suffers!  Would you, My Ancient Beloved, rob me of Your Oneness in understanding my Soul? Or keep me suffering by denying me your Visions composed in ‘The Ancient of Days’? Or keep me guessing by denying me Your Wisdom and  Light? You have the power that shines into my darkness to reveal that IAM is not alone or seperate!  This takes more than spoken words rushed in passing!  Every word must be validated by fearless actions.  Therefore, we must be careful what we say and  not use The Word, which is “LOVE,”  in vain.  Could I really choose on whom I shine if I declare IAM Real?  Could you really believe ‘fearlessly’ in Oneness in the Whole?  Could we really Love more than just the “special” ones elected by our ego to keep us truly separated?  Is not all this the knowledge of our Seeking Truth?  Are we ready, as the True Lovers that we are, to make our words Reality in relationship with every ONE as part of the Whole?  Or will we remain in religious acts of fear, self-righteousness and self-centeredness steeped in separation mentality of the ego?

Again……….I wait……….I hover………I beckon……I reason……I yearn……….I long……I desire……

IAM suffering in this my human experience of unsubstantiated words that pierce my hands and feet and nail me to the cross of your fears, as your fears of the ego’s hammer wielding its weight from the ‘special’ ones, nailing you to the cross beside mine, melting down your crown with guilt,  threats of ego words steeped in fantasies NOT your own……….. Therefore, IAM reaching out to You to heal and bandage the wounds in this MY BODY,  that You, My Ancient Beloved, may not suffer! Call on the host of Angles and they will take You off that cross and minister to you so you are FREE to take Me off Mine!

……………….Selah……………….(Pause and think of that)…………










I was not sure how to begin this blog as I am totally new to this experience.  Like all of us we need a platform to be heard.  Some speak with silence, some with pictures and music and then there are those of us who try to communicate with Words.  Words are a very difficult media as perception of them varies like the snow flakes in winter.  I believe it takes not only Courage to write one’s experiences but to go beyond the familiarity of verbal communication as we fly through various degrees in cyber space.   To defy religious gravity and venture into the reality of a Spiritual Connection from a realm within, which we were all born to experience, is the realization of Whose we are.

In pondering that idea, I have chosen to use experiences from all walks of my life.  Therefore, I begin by having my own personal conversations with God as I have been encouraged by the Voice within.  It took me years to figure out Who that Voice was and how to hear it without my ego getting in the way.  At first I experienced a lot of fear because of my past upbringing in the institutional church which preached mostly obedience or hell/ Love and fear!  I could not reconcile the God of Love with a demanding God of obedience like God was some kind of tyrant who thrived on control and worship?  Really?  Is God like puny man?  Does God need anything?  Does God feel good or better about God by the worship of His Creation?  Does God have an ego???? I think not!!  For we have humanized God to the very place of control that we have always sought to protect ourselves from someone outside of our control, thereby creating God in our image!!! Really??  My plea for Truth has always been, God is this You? Would the real Truth please stand up?

I am grateful for the thirst that my religious experience produced.  I needed a Real Life Personal Relating between God and me!  I desired a personal awareness of Who is “IAM THAT IAM”?   Of which I am A Piece of God, living in a human body, having my Spirit experience it-Self as a human being created by God for God-Self to experience God’s Self as LOVE.  I capitalize the S in Self to identify my Spiritual person and in lower case (no pun intended) as the ego (flesh) self.  These two “self’s” are always in conflict with one another for what I believe to be the egos ultimate desire for power and control.  Love can not be controlled nor possessed by anything other than its true nature which is LOVE!  Guess we thought we could improve on that as we exercised our nature of choice and free will thus creating our own version of  God as the created and not the Creator and the result is the screaming monster of ‘ego centeredness’ and all else must bow down to it!  Nope, I choose NOT to, though I fall in the hole many times, my desire is always to climb out!